Jayrell Allen Ballesteros


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2025.

Interests: Software Engineering, Web Developing, UI/UX Design


Shop-Manoa 2025-05-09

Shop-Manoa. A safe and easy way to buy and sell used items

UH Manoa Shopping Software Engineeering Web Application

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Sentence to Alphabetically Sorted 2023

A Java program created by me for ICS 211 that takes a sentence and sorts the characters used in alphabetical order


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Galactoid 2019

A project that I created a few years back in High School in which we were taught on how to use Scratch.


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Robotics 2012

My first ecounter with STEM and Robotics


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Software Engineering? What is that?

09 May 2024

Software Engineering? What is that? Software Engineering?!?! Software engineering. If you were to ask me what exactly software engineering is. Especially after taking an ICS 314 Software Engineering course here at the University of Hawaii at Manoa for almost 16...

Software Engineering Agile Project management Coding standards Ethics

Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe?

02 May 2024

Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe? I. Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly integral to various areas, including education. In the realm of education, AI offers innovative solutions to enhance learning experiences, personalize education, and easily accomplish tasks. Particularly in...


The Forest

25 Apr 2024

The Code Maze: Navigating with Design Patterns In the vast maze of software development, where lines of code twist and turn like tangled vines, developers seek guidance. This is where they seek solutions. This leads them to discover the realm...

Design Patterns

Coding Standards: Does it make coding harder?

06 Feb 2024

Coding Standards: Does it make coding harder? What are Coding Standards? First of all, what are coding standards? Coding standards are a set of guidelines or rules that dictate how code should be written and formatted consistently. They cover indentation,...

Coding Standards

The Power of UI Frameworks: Bootstrap 5

21 Feb 2024

The Power of UI Frameworks: Bootstrap 5 Framework? Or just plain old HTML & CSS? In the evolving landscape of web development, the choice between using a UI framework like Bootstrap 5 and crafting everything from scratch with raw HTML...

Bootstrap5 UI Framework

Unlocking Success Through the Smart Way

25 Jan 2024

Unlocking Success Through the Smart Way StacksOverflow? Stacks Overflow. A resort for all developers that’ll guarantee them to help when it comes down to debugging or even overall, finishing their code.. Or is it? Stack Overflow is a powerful platform...

StackOverflow Smart Questions

See all 8 essays