Exploring The Land Of Software Engineering

18 Jan 2024

Exploring The Land Of Software Engineering

Software Engineering Image

The Discovery & What is Software Engineering?

As a Computer Science major at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, I know everything about software engineering. Heck, I can’t even explain to people what exactly it is. Software development as a concept is also one that is quite new to me. Though to me, software engineering is the ability to help shape, build, and maintain our ever-growing digital landscape.

Through applications, combined with our creativity and intelligence, we can lay down the foundations for this interconnected world. The architects of the modern world. No matter how small the idea, or how complicated the concept, software engineers can construct anything they put their minds to. Isn’t that so cool?

My Software Interests

Web Development Image

There are many incredible areas and concepts in software development that spark the interest of millions. To me, web development has completely captivated my curiosity. Building interactive and dynamic websites while also attempting to cater to the general public by creating a visually appealing site is something that charms both my coding and digital art design interests. Thus when it comes to web development, front-end development does indeed seem more intriguing to me and it is something I hope to dabble more into.

Both UI/UX design and game development are also exciting opportunities for me to be able to show my creative expression within the field of software engineering. Whether that be crafting user interfaces for efficient interactions or designing fun game experiences, these domains are ones I also wish to develop skills in.

The Beginning Of A Journey

As of right now. I can confidently say that I sadly do not have the skills yet to help me explore more into my interests in software engineering. However, that doesn’t mean that I will not be able to. As this ever-growing field expands over time, so will I gradually enlargen my talents and capabilities. And when that day comes, I’ll be able to finally call myself a software engineer.